Week 6: Habituation

Habituation – set up garden or on non slip surfaces e.g. on carpet with treats in / around for them to find at their own pace, move items slowly and let your dog investigate

  • Things with wheels e.g. skateboard, scooter, children’s toys, suitcase
  • Things that make a sound e.g. children’s toys
  • Things to step over / through (no jumping over things) e.g. broom, mop, low sided box, children’s play tunnel
  • High vis jacket on the ground, hanging over a chair, then worn
  • You wearing various hats / coats / hoods / sunglasses / holding walking stick, umbrella

Training is never complete, having training foundations to fall back on is really helpful when we may need to revisit them in adolescence or where difficulties crop up.

Just like with us, skills need to be practiced regularly for them to be maintained.

Practice makes permanent’ (Dr Amber Batson)